Monday, August 25, 2008

If You Have Children, Pay Particular Attention To The Proximity Of Public Open Spaces, Since You Will, Such As Gardens Find That Children Will Need Some Space To Play

Category: Finance.

Although the better the area the higher will normally be the price, an extra sacrifice at this initial stage may prove well worthwhile in the future. The seashore protection zone is independent of the town planning zones.

If you have children, pay particular attention to the proximity of public open spaces, since you will, such as gardens find that children will need some space to play. It is a zone which extends from the sea and it usually( but not always) has a width of approximately 300 feet. When there are ancient monuments close to your plot, be careful to examine whether the Director of Antiquities has any objections to a building project. Within this zone no building can be allowed, even a small hut, ice cream shed or a swimming pool. If a plot of land is classified as an ancient monument area, the Director s approval must first be sought. If you have children, pay particular attention to the proximity of public open spaces, since you will, such as gardens find that children will need some space to play. Although the better the area the higher will normally be the price, an extra sacrifice at this initial stage may prove well worthwhile in the future.

The Block: Try to choose a small block of flats. Large blocks have problems primarily related to their management and lack of privacy. A five storey building accommodating a maximum of 10 to 15 units is ideal. Bear in mind, that smaller blocks, however have a higher common service bill. Property owners in Cyprus are advised to make a will in Cyprus to cover their Cypriot estate. Try to avoid the buying of flats on blocks with shops on their ground floor, since these are usually the cause of nuisance. A Cypriot will speed up the process of obtaining probate in Cyprus.

Full professional advice should be obtained with regard to making a Cypriot Will and Inheritance Tax planning. Inheritance Tax is payable on a Cypriot estate and rates are on a sliding scale depending upon the value of the estate.


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